1818 Wildwood Court
For Sale
Property Description
Wildwood Court which is also Phase #4 of the existing Clover Ridge Subdivision is located in the city limits of Wapakoneta . These building sites shall be used and occupied solely for private residential purposes by a single family home with an attached two care or larger garage. The living space above grade for a one-story dwelling exclusive of open porches and garages, shall be no less than 1,600 square feet for a single family home. The living space above grade for a one and a half, two-story or tri-level dwelling, exclusive of open porches and garages, shall not be less than 1,800 total square feet for a single family home.
Main Location
1818 Wildwood Court, Wapakoneta, OH, USA
Dominion East Ohio Gas
Municipal Electric
Municipal Water
Police/Fire Protection
TSC Internet Phone & Cable
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Wapakoneta, OH 45895
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